Part 3

Data Analysis & Visualization

#Import Packages
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas as gpd
from pyproj import Proj, transform, CRS
import seaborn as sns
import warnings as wr
import scipy.stats as stats

We will import the geopackage that we created at the end of tutorial 2 and run some basic data exploration functions on it to make sure everything looks good

#Importing the geopackage (accounting area, AD & IFM filtered, Polygons filtered)
data = gpd.read_file('path/to/your/file/ad_ifm_forest_loss_area.gpkg')
##To keep this tutorial clean and concise, I won't include separate code chunks for basic data exploration.
##Feel free to run them as part of your analysis.

data.head() # shows the first 5 rows in a dataframe
data.shape # returns the number of rows and columns in a dataframe
data.size #returns the total number of elements in a column (row*column)
data.columns # view all the column names in the dataframe # returns the type of data and number of non-null values stored in each column,
data.describe() #  provides a statistical summary of the dataset, returns data mean, percentiles, min and max values.

Data Manipulation

Now that we’ve run some basic data exploration, we want to manipulate the data to be able to analyse it

Calculate the area for each project
We want to calculate the percentage of deforestation that occured each year between 2001-2023 for each project
Using this we will calculate
1) the average deforestation rate before the start of the project (10 years), and average deforestation rate after the start or the project
2) based on the average deforestation rate before and after project start, create a new column, deforestation status,
3) The total percentage deforestation inside the project boundary before and after the project start
4) Total deforestation (\(km^{2}\)) inside the project boundary after the project start

To do this we will write functions, this will help us keep the code clean.

Calculate the area for each project

We need to reproject each project geometry to its UTM zone for accurate area calculation.
For this, we are creating two functions: 1) Determines the UTM Zone for each project using its latitude and longitude.
2) Extracts the latitude and longitude from the centroids, apply the get_utm_zone function, calculate the area (default is to calculate the area in \(m^{2}\)), and finally convert the area to \(km^{2}\).

# Function to determine UTM zone for a given geometry
def get_utm_zone(lon, lat):
    utm_band = str((int((lon + 180) / 6) % 60) + 1)
    if len(utm_band) == 1:
        utm_band = '0' + utm_band
    if lat >= 0:
        epsg_code = f'326{utm_band}'
        epsg_code = f'327{utm_band}'
    return CRS(f'EPSG:{epsg_code}')

#Convert the geomtery to desired utm and compute area in km2
def convert_to_utm_and_compute_area(row):
    geom = row.geometry
    lon, lat = geom.centroid.coords[0]
    utm_crs = get_utm_zone(lon, lat)
    # Create a GeoDataFrame for the single geometry to use the to_crs method
    geom_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(index=[0], crs='EPSG:4326', geometry=[geom])
    geom_utm = geom_gdf.to_crs(utm_crs)
    area_km2 = geom_utm.area[0]/1e6
    return area_km2
#Applying the convert_to_utm_and_compute_area function = 'EPSG:4326'  # Ensure the CRS is set to EPSG:4326
data['area_km2'] = data.apply(convert_to_utm_and_compute_area, axis=1) #Creating a new column, 'area_km2'.

Calculate percentage deforestation each year

Before we do this we will rename the year columns in our dataframe for simplicity

#Renaming the year loss columns from the format 2001(km2)...2023(km2) to 2001...2023 format
new_columns = {col: col.replace('(km2)', '') for col in data.columns}
data.rename(columns=new_columns, inplace=True)

Write in text the formula for % deforestation. Mention somehwere the year columns hold the area deforested in that year

#Calculating % deforestation relative to the project areafor each year
for year in range(2001, 2024):
    year_col = str(year)
    year_pc_col = f'{year}_pc'
    if year_col in data.columns:
        data[year_pc_col] = (data[year_col]/data['area_km2'])*100

Calculate the average deforestation rate before and after start of the project

Average deforestation rate before (\(AD_{before}\)) start of the project is calculated over a period of 10 years preceding the project’s start year. If a project started in 2010 or earlier, \(AD_{before}\) is calculated from 2001 to a year before the project started.

Average deforestation rate after (\(AD_{after}\)) start of project was calculated from the year following the project start year up to 2023

The project start year is excluded from both calculations.

# Transforming the 'Project Start Date' column to datetime format and creating a column for start year
data['Project Start Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Project Start Date'], format='%m/%d/%Y')
data['start_year'] = data['Project Start Date'].dt.year
#Function to calculate the average deforestation rate before start of project
def average_deforestation_before(row):
    start_year = row['start_year']
    if start_year <= 2001:
        return 0  # If the project started in or before 2001, there's no data for 10 years before
    start_range = max(2001, start_year - 10)
    years_range = [f"{year}_pc" for year in range(start_range, start_year)]
    deforestation_rates = row[years_range]
    average_deforestation = deforestation_rates.mean()
    return average_deforestation
#Function to calculate the average deforestation rate after start of project
def average_deforestation_after(row):
    start_year = row['start_year']
    start_year_next = start_year + 1
    years_range = [f"{year}_pc" for year in range(start_year_next, 2024)]
    deforestation_rates = row[years_range]
    average_deforestation = deforestation_rates.mean() if not deforestation_rates.empty else 0
    return average_deforestation
#Applying both the functions

#Calculate the average percentage deforestation from the year following the project start year up to 2023.
data['avg_pc_def_after_start'] = data.apply(average_deforestation_after, axis=1)

#Calculate average percent deforestation for 10 years before start of the project.
data['avg_pc_def_before_start'] = data.apply(average_deforestation_before, axis=1)

Determining the deforestation status of the project

Each project is classified into one of the following categories:

Increase: An increase in the average deforestation rate after the project start.
Decrease: A decrease in the average deforestation rate after the project start.
No Deforestation: Projects that had no deforestation both before and after the project start.
No Change: The average deforestation rate before the project start is equal to the average deforestation rate after.

#Classifying deforestation rates as incerased or decreased after project start
def deforestation_status(row):
    if row['avg_pc_def_after_start'] > row['avg_pc_def_before_start']:
        return  'Increase'
    elif row['avg_pc_def_after_start'] < row['avg_pc_def_before_start']:
        return  'Decrease'
    elif row['avg_pc_def_after_start'] == 0 and row['avg_pc_def_before_start'] == 0:
        return  'No deforestation'
        return  'No change'
#Applying the deforestation_status function
data['def_status'] = data.apply(deforestation_status, axis=1)

Calculate total deforestation percentage (relative to the project area) before and after project started

We will calculate the total deforestation before (\(TD_{before}\)) over a period of 10 years preceding the project’s start year. If a project started in 2010 or earlier, \(TD_{before}\) is calculated from 2001 to a year before the project started.

Total deforestation rate after (\(TD_{after}\)) start of project was calculated from the year following the project start year up to 2023

The project start year is excluded from both calculations.

#Calculates the total percentage of deforestation for the 10 years preceding the start of a project.
def total_deforestation_percent_before(row):
    start_year = row['start_year']
    if start_year <= 2001:
        return 0  # If the project started in or before 2001, there's no data for 10 years before
    start_range = max(2001, start_year - 10)
    total_deforestation_percent_before_start = row[[f'{year}_pc' for year in range(start_range, start_year)]].sum()
    return total_deforestation_percent_before_start
#Calculates the total percentage of deforestation for the years following the project's start year until 2023 and returns this total.
def total_deforestation_percent_after(row):
    start_year = row['start_year']
    total_deforestation_percent_after_start = row[['{year}_pc' for year in range(start_year + 1, 2024)]].sum()
    return total_deforestation_percent_after_start
#Applying the total_deforestation_percent_before function
data['total_def_percent_before'] = data.apply(total_deforestation_percent_before, axis=1)

#Applying the total_deforestation_percent_after function
data['total_def_percent_after'] = data.apply(total_deforestation_percent_after, axis=1)

Calculating the total deforested area inside the project boundary following the project start year up to 2023

# Function to calculate total deforestation (in $km^{2}$) after start of project
def total_deforestation_after(row):
    start_year = row['start_year']
    total_deforestation_after_start = row[[f'{year}' for year in range(start_year + 1, 2024)]].sum()
    return total_deforestation_after_start
data['total_def_after_start'] = data.apply(total_deforestation_after, axis=1)

Data Visualization

We our now going to visualize and analyze our data based on ‘Project Type’. For this analysis we will subset the data frame to avoid confusion in the future

data['Project Type'].unique() #returns an array of unique project types present in the 'Project Type' column 
data_ad = data[(data['Project Type'] == "AD")]
data_ifm = data[(data['Project Type'] == "IFM")]

Percentage of projects that saw an increase, decrease, and no deforestation after project start

We want to make a visualization for what was the percentage of projects in each deforestation status (column: def_status) category

For this we will first create a new dataframe that sums the number of projects for each category

# Count the number of occurrences of each def_status value
status_counts_ad = data_ad['def_status'].value_counts().reset_index() #Using the newly subsetted data_ad here
status_counts_ad.columns = ['def_status', 'count'] #Names the columns in the new dataframe

Next we will create a new variable, ‘total_projects_ad’ that stores the total number of projects in the ‘status_counts_ad’ dataframe by running the .sum() operation on the ‘counts’ column

We will use this ‘total_projects_ad’ variable to find the percentage of projects in each ‘def_status’ category

total_projects_ad = status_counts_ad['count'].sum()
status_counts_ad['percentage'] = (status_counts_ad['count'] / total_projects_ad) * 100

status_counts_ad #View the dataframe

Next, we will prepare bar graphs for this visualization using the data from the status_counts_ad dataframe

# Custom colors for the bars
custom_colors = ['#550707', '#d8854f', '#606c38']

# Custom x-axis labels
custom_labels = ['Increase', 'Decrease', 'No deforestation']

# Create a bar plot using seaborn
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
bar_plot = sns.barplot(x='def_status', y='percentage', data=status_counts_ad, palette=custom_colors, width=0.6)

# Annotate the bars with the percentage of projects
for p in bar_plot.patches:
    bar_plot.annotate(format(p.get_height(), '.1f') + '%',
                      (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2., p.get_height()),
                      ha='center', va='center', xytext=(0, 10), textcoords='offset points', fontsize=16)

plt.title('Avoided Deforestation', fontsize=21)
plt.xlabel('Deforestation Trend', fontsize=17.5)
plt.ylabel('Percentage of Projects', fontsize=19)
plt.xticks(rotation=0, fontsize=16)

# Set custom x-axis tick labels

# Remove the x-axis line

# Remove the outer square (spines)

plt.savefig('def_status_ad.png', dpi=1200)

We have successfully created a bar graph for Avoided Deforestation Projects.

Similarly, we can create one for Improved Forest Management projects. Go ahead and create one for yourself. Feel free to experiment with the labels, fontsizes, colours, position of annotations on the bars, and other features.

Projects that had high total percentage deforestation after the start of the project

We will identify the 10 projects with the highest total percentage of deforestation after the project started grouped by country and create a bar graph for them.

To do this, we’ll use the ‘total_def_percent_after’ column created earlier.

First we’ll sort the dataframe ‘data_ad’ in descending order based on values in the ‘total_def_percent_after’ column and store it as a new dataframe

data_ad_sorted = data_ad.sort_values(by=['total_def_percent_after'], ascending=False) # 

data_ad_sorted = data_ad_soretd.head(10) #Subsetting the dataframe to include only the first 10 rows or the 10 projects with highest deofrestation after project started
# Custom color palette
custom_colors = ['#550707', '#7f461b', '#d8854f', '#e1715b', '#a75d5d', '#634539', '#a5a694']

# Plot
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

bar_plot = sns.barplot(y='ProjectID', x='total_def_percent_after', hue='Country', data=data_ad_sorted, dodge=False, palette=custom_colors) #Flipped the axes here.

# Annotate the bars
for p in bar_plot.patches:
    if p.get_width() > 0:  # Only annotate if the width is greater than 0
        bar_plot.annotate(format(p.get_width(), '.1f') + '%',
                          (p.get_width(), p.get_y() + p.get_height() / 2.),
                          ha='left', va='center', xytext=(0.9, 0), textcoords='offset points', fontsize =16)

plt.title('Avoided Deforestation', fontsize=21)
plt.xlabel('Project area deforested after project implementation', fontsize=17.5)
plt.legend(frameon=False, fontsize=14)

sns.despine(bottom= True, left=True)
bar_plot.tick_params(axis='x', bottom=False, labelbottom=False)

plt.savefig('total_def_ad.png', dpi=300)

We now have a horizontal bar graph that displays the percentage of deforestation inside an AD project after it started.

Similarly, switch the data frame with data_ifm, to visualize the deforestaion trend for IFM projects

To find which projects reduced total percentage deforestation after project start, you can use the following code. Compare the values in the ‘total_def_percent_after’ column to those in the ‘total_def_percent_before’ column

data_ad_sorted = data_ad.sort_values(by=['total_def_percent_after'], ascending=True) # 


Other Statistics

Number of projects in deforestation status grouped by country

We aim to examine the number of projects in each category by country to identify any spatial trends in deforestation rates. This will help determine whether certain countries are performing better or worse compared to others.

# Group by 'Country' and count occurrences of each 'def_status' value
project_counts_ad = data_ad.groupby('Country')['def_status'].value_counts().unstack(fill_value=0)

# Add a 'Total' column for sorting
project_counts_ad['Total'] = project_counts_ad.sum(axis=1)

# Sort the DataFrame in descending order based on the 'Total' column
project_counts_ad = project_counts_ad.sort_values(by='Total', ascending=False)

# Drop the 'Total' column after sorting
project_counts_ad = project_counts_ad.drop(columns='Total')

# Display the result

As with the graphs above, this is for AD projects. Switch the dataframe with ‘data_ifm’ to see the trends for IFM projects

Total area (\(km^{2}\)) deforested after project start grouped by country

data_ad_total_def = data_ad.groupby('Country')['total_def_after_start'].sum().sort_values(ascending=False)


Replace the ‘data_ad’ dataframe with ‘data_ifm’ to find out the total area deforested for IFM projects